Title: Operational Amplifiers Author(s): Arpad Barna, Dan I. Porat Pages: 286 Publisher: John Wiley & Sons; 2nd Edition Publication date: 1989 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0471847151 ISBN-13: Description: Nearly twice the size of the first edition, this second edition presents the basic principles underlying the use of these important circuits and provides many applications of their use in system design. New developments covered include operational amplifiers with high gain, low input currents and offset voltages, and high speed. The chapters on stability, frequency response, and transient response have been considerably expanded. There are two new chapters on applications and on internal structure: one describes amplifiers with current source inputs, as well as adders, integrators, differentiators, and nonlinear circuits; and the other discusses input stages, current mirrors, and output stages in operational amplifiers. Also contains 132 worked examples and over 300 problems, many with answers provided, plus several figures. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
A revised and updated edition of one of the first operational amplifier books published. It presents the basic principles underlying the use of these important circuits and provides many applications of their use in system design. The extensive revisions made to the text reflect new developments since the first edition was published in 1971. These include substantial technological advances that took place, especially in operational amplifiers with high gain, low input currents and offset voltages, and high speed. In addition, the chapters on stability, frequency response and transient response have been considerably expanded and completely rewritten.