Title: Adobe Creative Suite 3 Bible Author(s): Ted Padova (Author), Kelly L. Murdock Pages: 1296 Publisher: Wiley Publication date: 2007 Language: Format: Rar'd PDF ISBN-10: 0470130679 ISBN-13: Description: Product Description
* This is one of the few books to cover integration and workflow in depth between Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, GoLive, Acrobat, and Version Cue
* Graphic design firms, ad agencies, and publishing houses typically use a collection of programs to build their designs for print or the Web, and this book shows readers how to effectively manage that workflow among applications
* Provides solutions for issues that working designers or design students face every day, including developing consistent color-managed workflows, moving files among the CS3 applications, preparing files for print or the Web, repurposing documents, using CS3 with Office documents, and more
From the Back Cover
Integrate and manage workflow across Photoshop®, Illustrator®, InDesign®, Dreamweaver®, Acrobat®, and Flash®
Harness all the tools in the Adobe Creative Suite 3 toolbox with this in-depth guide from well-known Creative Suite experts Ted Padova and Kelly L. Murdock. This "Big Picture" book not only covers all the latest features and programs in CS3, it teaches you how to use them in a seamless, integrated workflow, as they were designed. You'll come away with techniques that keep your projects running smoothly and make you a more productive designer.
* Set up efficient workflows for teams, studios, or freelancers
Manage color across Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat, and Dreamweaver
Create, transform, and add effects to objects and layers
Export designs for Web and screen viewing
Easily revisit earlier versions of files
Add hyperlinks, animation, and movie and sound clips
Soft-proof, pre-flight, and prepare files for a variety of outputs
Manage files with Adobe Bridge
Assemble projects with InDesign
Add motion graphics with Flash
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Product Details
* Paperback: 1296 pages
* Publisher: Wiley (October 1, 2007)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0470130679
* ISBN-13: 978-0470130674