How to develop a super power memory? free download online
Title: How to develop a super power memory? Author(s): Harry Lorayne Pages: 218 Publisher: Frederick Fell Publishers Publication date: 1989 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 9780811901819 ISBN-13: Description: In the first few chapters, Harry Lorayne gets you to memorize 100 peg words - attaching words to numbers 1 to 100 and memorizing them.
"What?!" was my reaction when I found out I was supposed to do it. My short-term and long-term memory began declining years ago due to depression and heavy medication. My test and exam results haven't been so good because of these memory problems. I didn't think I could do this 100 peg word stunt.
But don't worry, and try it. Lorayne first teaches you to associate consonant sounds for each digit from 1 to 9, and 0. For example, the sound for #1 is T or D (the letter T has one downstroke). The sound for #2 is N (typewritten n has two downstrokes).
This way, when you later have to memorize the peg word for #12, you know the word starts with a 't' sound and ends with a 'n' or 'd' sound. For example, 'tin'. For #21, the word would start with a 'n' sound and end with a 't' or 'd' sound. For example, 'net'.
So 100 words may be difficult to remember, but the ones Lorayne suggest will not so difficult with this "sound guide". And these 100 words are very important because they play a big part in the later chapters in helping you remember dates, appointments, telephone numbers, addresses etc.
Besides these, Super Power Memory also teaches you how to remember your grocery/to-do list, train your observation, remember speeches, foreign language vocabulary, names and faces, facts about people, how to not be absent-minded, how to amaze your friends with a 400 digit memory feat and how to memorize the Morse Code in 30 minutes.
I've put some of Lorayne's methods to the test and have been successful in keeping names, appointments and grocery lists in my head. I'm very pleased I read this book and forced myself to memorize those 100 peg words.
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