Title: Binocular Astronomy Author(s): Stephen Tonkin Pages: 288 Publisher: Springer; 1 edition Publication date: 2006 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 1846283086 ISBN-13: Description: The advantages of using both eyes for astronomical observing are many and considerable, largely because of the way the human brain processes visual information.
Binoculars the usual kinds are incredibly useful for wide-field observing, but "binocular astronomy" is much more than that, including binocular eyepieces that can be fitted to normal astronomical telescopes, and even giant binocular telescopes that are effectively two astronomical telescopes working in tandem.
Here is everything an astronomer needs to know about binocular observing. The book takes an in-depth look at the instruments themselves, and has sections on evaluating and buying binoculars and binocular telescopes, their care, mounting, and accessories. In addition there is a selection of fine objects to be seen with 50mm and 100mm binoculars.