Title: PICmicro Microcontroller Pocket Reference Author(s): Myke Predko Pages: 704 Publisher: McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics; 1 edition Publication date: 2000 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0071361758 ISBN-13: Description: Designed to complement Programming & Customizing the PICMICRO, this book contains a minimum of verbiage and serves as an immediate device, code and circuit lookup for experienced PICMICRO applications designers.
This concise, at-a-glance source is the perfect reference to pin out and programming syntax for experienced PIC designers. It delivers just what electronic hobbyists and embedded systems designers need for device, code, and circuit look-up. It includes: complete pin out mapping; device feature comparisons; processor instructions; multi-tier data tables; frequently used code snippets; clock tables; power consumption tables; and debugging hints.