Title: Windows: Scripting Secrets Author(s): Tobias Weltner Pages: 751 Publisher: Wiley Publication date: 2000 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0764546848 ISBN-13: Description: Over 700 pages on the secrets of effective Windows scripting. Learn how to enhance system functionality and automate almost any task, get scores of ready-made scripting solutions that can be implemented right away.
The most comprehensive book on the market, Windows Scripting Secrets uncovers the never-before-documented features and hidden system functions that make the new Windows Scripting Host a more powerful tool. The book includes more than 200 ready-to-use scripts, and the CD-ROM contains ready-to-use libraries and examples from the book, as well as numerous scripting tools.
A few of the insights inside include
- Kick-starting WSH and VBScripts
- "Kidnapping" and creating COM objects
- Tweaking your Registry, and monitoring system status
- Powering up with Kodak Imaging
- Running a Windows network with ADSI scripts
You can automate almost any system task or enhance your current functionality using the scripting solutions detailed here. From the CD-ROM, sample more than 450 scripts, or try looking for an answer in the fully searchable electronic version of the book.