Title: JavaScript Bible, Fifth Edition Author(s): Danny Goodman, Michael Morrison Pages: 1272 Publisher: Wiley Publication date: 2004 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0764557432 ISBN-13: Description: - This new edition of the definitive guide to JavaScript has been revamped to cover the latest browsers, language updates, extensions, and JavaScript standards
- Part tutorial and part reference, the book serves as a learning tool for building new JavaScript skills and a detailed reference for seasoned JavaScript developers
- Danny Goodman's exclusive interactive workbench, The Evaluator, makes it easy to master JavaScript and DOM concepts
- Offers deployment strategies that best suit the user's content goals and target audience
Book Info
Presents how to master JavaScript and DOM concepts with The Evaluator, and exclusive interactive workbench, how to capture your target audience with Web sites featuring creative effects and instant interactivity, and how to optimize your scripts for effective presentation on the newest browser versions.