Title: Rex Stout. Nero Wolfe novels Author(s): Rex Stout Pages: 0 Publisher: Publication date: Language: English Format: LIT, HTML ISBN-10: ISBN-13: Description: List:
A Family Affair.lit
Death of a Doxy.htm
Death of a Dude.lit
Homicide Trinity.lit
Nero Wolfe - Red Box.lit
Nero Wolfe - Too Many Women.lit
Nero Wolfe 03 - The Rubber Band.lit
Nero Wolfe 06 - Some Buried Caesar.lit
Nero Wolfe 09 - Black Orchids.lit
Nero Wolfe 13 - More Deaths Than One.lit
Nero Wolfe 15 - The Second Confession.lit
Nero Wolfe 16 - Three Doors to Death.lit
Nero Wolfe 25 - Before Midnight.lit
Nero Wolfe 35 - Final Deduction.lit
Nero Wolfe 38 - The Mother Hunt.lit
Over My Dead Body.htm
Prisoner's Base.htm
The World Series Murder.lit
Three Doors to Death.htm
Rex Stout, full name Rex Todhunter Stout, (December 1, 1886 - October 27, 1975) was an American writer best known as the creator of the larger-than-life fictional detective Nero Wolfe.
Nero Wolfe is a fictional detective, created by the American mystery writer Rex Stout, who made his debut in 1934. He appeared in 33 novels and 39 short stories from the 1930s to the 1970s, with most of them set in New York City.