Title: Faber & Kell's Heating & Air-conditioning of Buildings, Tenth Edition Author(s): Doug Oughton Pages: 804 Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann Publication date: 2008 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0750683651 ISBN-13: Description: Review
'This latest edition of the building services industry's most renowned reference and teaching compendium is a must for all engineers requiring to be kept up to date and wishing to increase their knowledge in the design and application of engineering services appropriate for the current challenges of the industry' Graham Manly, CIBSE Past President
"I am delighted to see the 10th Edition of Faber & Kell. This source of reference is one of the foundations of the building services industry. I am much in debt to the two editors for the enormous effort they have put into bringing it up to date. "
John Armstrong, CIBSE President 2007/08.
"As the H&V industry got going in the UK, the only text book, apart from the IHVE Guide, was Faber & Kell. The growth and development of the industry since then couldn't have been imagined but F&K and the IHVE/CIBSE guides have kept pace and, together, still worthily head our library shelf. Congratulations on this 10th Edition."
Terry Wyatt - Past President, CIBSE.
See all Editorial Reviews
Product Details
* Hardcover: 804 pages
* Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 10 edition (September 12, 2008)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0750683651
* ISBN-13: 978-0750683654