Title: Advanced Quantum Mechanics Author(s): Franz Schwabl Pages: 405 Publisher: Springer Publication date: September 02, 2008 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 3540850619 ISBN-13: Description: Advanced Quantum Mechanics, the second volume on quantum mechanics by Franz Schwabl, discusses nonrelativistic multi-particle systems, relativistic wave equations and relativistic quantum fields. Characteristic of the author?s work are the comprehensive mathematical discussions in which all intermediate steps are derived and where numerous examples of application and exercises help the reader gain a thorough working knowledge of the subject. The topics treated in the book lay the foundation for advanced studies in solid-state physics, nuclear and elementary particle physics. This text both extends and complements Schwabl?s introductory Quantum Mechanics, which covers nonrelativistic quantum mechanics and offers a short treatment of the quantization of the radiation field. The fourth edition has been thoroughly revised with new material having been added. Furthermore, the layout of the figures has been unified, which should facilitate comprehension.