Title: Jabber Developers Handbook Author(s): William Wright Pages: 504 Publisher: Sams Publication date: 2003 Language: Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0672325365 ISBN-13: Description: Product Description
The Internet is evolving into an infrastructure where applications can converse with one another in a much different way than the traditional page-serving architectures of the first generation Web.
Through examples and clear explanations, Jabber Developer?s Handbook demonstrates how Jabber, currently the world?s most important open source messaging protocol, can be used to go beyond interactive chat and file sharing to build flexible, reliable, and powerful distributed software systems. Peer-to-peer applications using the Jabber open source toolkit, and leverage its use with other readily available and open source software and middleware. It explains how to use Jabber peer-to-peer technologies to solve troublesome reliability and interoperability issues with distributed systems. While peer-to-peer computing and Jabber are considered fairly new technologies, the authors have extensive hands-on experience in applying a variety of system messaging technologies.
Jabber Developer?s Handbook shows how to design, build, and integrate peer-to-peer applications using the Jabber open source toolkit, and leverage its use with other readily available and open source software and middleware. It explains how to use Jabber peer-to-peer technologies to solve troublesome reliability and interoperability issues with distributed systems. While peer-to-peer computing and Jabber are considered fairly new technologies, the authors have extensive hands-on experience in applying a variety of system messaging technologies.
The Internet is evolving into an infrastructure where applications can converse with one another in a much different way than the traditional page-serving architectures of the first generation Web. Through examples and clear explanations, Jabber Developer's Handbook demonstrates how Jabber, currently the world's most important open source messaging protocol, can be used to go beyond interactive chat and file sharing to build flexible, reliable, and powerful distributed software systems. Peer-to-peer applications using the Jabber open source toolkit, and leverage its use with other readily available and open source software and middleware. It explains how to use Jabber peer-to-peer technologies to solve troublesome reliability and interoperability issues with distributed systems. While peer-to-peer computing and Jabber are considered fairly new technologies, the authors have extensive hands-on experience in applying a variety of system messaging technologies. Jabber Developer's Handbook shows how to design, build, and integrate peer-to-peer applications using the Jabber open source toolkit, and leverage its use with other readily available and open source software and middleware.It explains how to use Jabber peer-to-peer technologies to solve troublesome reliability and interoperability issues with distributed systems.
While peer-to-peer computing and Jabber are considered fairly new technologies, the authors have extensive hands-on experience in applying a variety of system messaging technologies.
# Paperback: 504 pages
# Publisher: Sams (21 Aug 2003)
# Language English
# ISBN-10: 0672325365
# ISBN-13: 978-0672325366