Title: ABC of AIDS Author(s): Celia Aitken, Ray Brettle et al. Pages: 128 Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Limited; 5 edition Publication date: 2001 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0727915037 ISBN-13: Description: Thoroughly updated and revised, the new edition of this accessible guide aims to outline why there is a gap between research findings and what actually happens in clinical practice. It covers a number of topics including the sources of information on clinical effectiveness and methods of information, how to close the gap between research and practice, potential roles for lay people, the role of decision support, barriers to the use of evidence in clinical practice, the role of decision analysis, implementing research findings in developing countries and how to encourage the implementation of results from economic evaluation.
Patients with HIV infection and AIDS spend most of their time out of hospital in the community. Admission is required only when an acute clinical illness supervenes. General practitioners and domiciliary and social services do not always feel skilled and knowledgeable enough to look after them. With the increase in the number of cases, the community services will have to be able and willing to cope. Again, I hope that this book will help to make people feel more skilled and comfortable about caring for patients with HIV and AIDS.
Journal of Public Health Medicine, Spring 2003
Can be recommended to anyone who wants reliable information on the current key areas of HIV and AIDS.