Title: The Data Book of Astronomy Author(s): Patrick Moore Pages: 538 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Publication date: 2000 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0750306203 ISBN-13: Description: Filled with data about the Earth, Moon, the planets, the stars, our Galaxy, and the myriad galaxies in deep space, this invaluable resource reveals the latest scientific discoveries about black holes, quasars, and the origins of the Universe. It includes maps supported by detailed tables of the names, positions, magnitudes, and spectra of the main stars in each constellation along with key data on galaxies, nebulae, and clusters. MNASSA wrote, "This book fills a niche : with detailed astronomical data and concise explanations, all at an accessible level : it is an excellent resource, and probably will be the first book I shall reach for : ."
Paul Murdin, Editor-in-Chief Macmillan/IOP Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics
"Patrick Moore is the leading presenter and educator in astronomy of our age - this little book is all one needs to enjoy and learn something of this endlessly fascinating subject."
Choice Magazine, May 2001
...oriented towards amateur astronomers...unlike some other data books, this volume contains considerable explanatory material...Recommended.