Title: The Art of Assembly Language Author(s): Randall Hyde Pages: 928 Publisher: No Starch Press; 1 edition Publication date: 2003 Language: English Format: CHM ISBN-10: 1886411972 ISBN-13: Description: This is truly amazing piece of work on High Level Assembly (HLA). It's important to know what you are getting is a book on HLA because the back cover says, "The most comprehensive guide to assembly language". Which is both hyperbole and factually slightly inaccurate. It's a very, very good book on an assembly language (HLA), but not all assembly languages. Nor should I think there would be a good book that covered all assembly languages, but that's beside the point.
There is some general value in the book that applies to almost any processor. The basics of registers, operations, pointers, the stack and other basics. But as you get deeper into the book it's clear that this is a work on HLA and HLA alone.
TechIMO.com, October 19, 2003
". . . well authored and easy to understand. The tutorials are thoroughly explained, and the example code segments is superbly commented"
Security Forums, January 2004
"You would be hard pressed to find a better book on assembly out there."
Chapter 1 - Hello, World of Assembly Language
Chapter 2 - Data Representation
Chapter 3 - Memory Access and Organization
Chapter 4 - Constants, Variables, and Data Types
Chapter 5 - Procedures and Units
Chapter 6 - Arithmetic
Chapter 7 - Low Level Control Structures
Chapter 8 - Files
Chapter 9 - Advanced Arithmetic
Chapter 10 - Macros and the HLA Compile Time Language
Chapter 11 - BIT Manipulation
Chapter 12 - The String Instructions
Chapter 13 - The MMX Instruction Set
Chapter 14 - Classes and Objects
Chapter 15 - Mixed Language Programming
Appendix A - ASCII Character Set
Appendix B - The 80 ? 86 Instruction Set
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Listings