Title: The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks (+files) Author(s): Rachel Andrew Pages: 411 Publisher: SitePoint Publication date: 2004 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0957921888 ISBN-13: Description: The book provides you with tried and tested real-world solutions to your Web design problems.
It's the most complete question-and-answer book on CSS, with over 100 tutorials that'll show you how to gain more control over the appearance of your Web page fonts, create sophisticated Web page navigation controls, design for alternative browsing devices including smart phones and screen readers for the blind, and much more.
The book teaches you to use best-practice coding styles and CSS 2.1 compliant code to ensure that your designs are easy to maintain and will continue to work well into the future.
'The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks' also includes download access to all the code samples used throughout the book so you can plug them right into your own Web page designs.
Content based on the most common real world problems with CSS such as layout and positioning, styling forms, navigation, and more that face developers from the SitePoint Forums every day
Question-and-answer format makes it easy to use when solving problems and finding about common pitfalls and workarounds
Comprehensive coverage of topics such as browser and device support, forms and user interfaces, text styling as well as future techniques
Covers CSS 2.1