Title: Computer Viruses For Dummies Author(s): Peter H. Gregory Pages: 288 Publisher: For Dummies Publication date: 2004 Language: Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0764574183 ISBN-13: Description: Book Description
Computer viruses—just the thought of your trusty PC catching one is probably enough to make you sick. Thanks to the cyber-sickies who persist in coming up with new strains, there’s a major new cyberattack nearly every day. Viruses sneak in, usually through e-mail.
Fortunately, there are ways to inoculate and protect your computer. Computer Viruses For Dummies helps you:
* Understand the risks and analyze your PC’s current condition
* Select, install, and configure antivirus software
* Scan your computer and e-mail
* Rid your computer of viruses it’s already caught
* Update antivirus software and install security patches
* Use firewalls and spyware blockers
* Protect handheld PDAs from viruses
* Adopt safe computing practices, especially with e-mail and when you’re surfing the Net
Written by Peter H. Gregory, coauthor of CISSP For Dummies and Security + For Dummies, Computer Viruses For Dummies goes beyond viruses to explain other nasty computer infections like Trojan horses, HiJackers, worms, phishing scams, spyware, and hoaxes. It also profiles major antivirus software to help you choose the best program(s) for your needs.
Remember, if you don’t protect your computer, not only do you risk having your computer infiltrated and your data contaminated, you risk unknowingly transmitting a virus, worm, or other foul computer germ to everybody in your address book! This guide will help you properly immunize your PC with antivirus software now and install updates and security patches that are like booster shots to keep your software protected against new viruses.
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Offers real, practical solutions to help ordinary users keep viruses out of their e-mail in-boxes-and explains how to respond when one slips through
* In 2003, there was a major virus attack almost every month, which cost businesses worldwide an estimated $55 billion and did untold damage to home computers
* Explains what viruses are and how they work, profiles major anti-virus software packages, shows how to keep anti-virus software updated, and helps people adopt safer computer work habits
* The book's value price and compact size will make it irresistible to people who need to protect their home PC or network
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Product Details
* Paperback: 288 pages
* Publisher: For Dummies (August 27, 2004)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0764574183
* ISBN-13: 978-0764574184