Title: Elementary Statistics Update (9th Edition) (Triola Series) Author(s): Mario F. Triola Pages: 1 Publisher: Addison Wesley; 9 edition Publication date: 2004 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0321288394 ISBN-13: 978-032128839 Description: Elementary Statistics has been written for the introductory statistics course and students majoring in any field. Although the use of algebra is minimal, students should have completed at least an elementary algebra course. In many cases, underlying theory is included, but this book does not stress the mathematical rigor more suitable for mathematics majors. Triola is the #1 best seller in the market long recognized for its student-friendly pedagogy and wealth of exercises using real data. The ninth edition offers new large and small data sets, a greater emphasis on interpreting results, and improved flexible technology coverage with many examples and exercises covering a wide variety of different and interesting statistical applications.