Title: 100 Strangest Mysteries Author(s): Mat Lamy Pages: 208 Publisher: Arcturus Publishing Ltd Publication date: 2004 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 1841931683 ISBN-13: Description: 100 Strangest Mysteries is an amazing compendium of the weird and the wonderful. The range of entries is extraordinary, from the bizarre to the horrific, and from the spooky to the just plain confounding.
The book includes some of History's most astounding tales of the strange and supernatural, and tells in vivid detail the story of both events and the people involved, the impact of particular myths and beliefs, and the latest investigations being undertaken in an attempt to find answers to the world's most baffling phenomena. From Loch Ness to Bigfoot, spontaneous combustion to Roswell, each entry is supported with a wealth of photographic evidence and fascinating illustrations.