Title: Mastering Visual Basic .NET Database Programming (+source code) Author(s): Evangelos Petroutsos, Asli Bilgin Pages: 960 Publisher: Sybex Publication date: 2002 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0782128785 ISBN-13: Description: Are you building Visual Basic .NET applications that interact with a database? If so, this book is an essential guide to understanding how to program and use databases for real world applications. It covers a vast array of topics, useful for both beginners and experts. Don't let this book leave your side.
This book goes beyond telling you "how" to program using Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, but explains the "why" behind the code, The authors provide real-world examples, such as a shopping cart system, that you can use as a foundation for your own systems. By understanding why you should design applications in a certain way, you can design more efficient and scalable systems. Throughout the book, Asli and Evangelos point out tips and tricks for your application design to improve performance, reusability and scalability.
Part I of the book begins with a whirlwind tour of database concepts starting with a brief discussion of what a database is and an overview of various Microsoft data access technologies. The book then provides an overview of basic concepts in relational databases, such as common database objects and normalization. Part I then continues with discussions of visual tools you can use to aid in the database planning and development process and a final chapter on Structure Query Language (SQL), the language used to communicate with a database.
In Part II the authors introduce programming concepts building upon the foundation established in part I. The first chapter is dedicated to programming on the data tier using Microsoft SQL Server's Transaction SQL (T-SQL). You will learn how to program stored procedures, functions, triggers, and transactions in T-SQL, and how these features can improve application performance and scalability. For example, Asli and Evangelos go into detail discussing why you should use stored procedures in your application.
Part III begins the more advanced topics, covering threading issues, XML integration, programming the middle tier, as well as discussing some of advanced Microsoft SQL Server 2000 topics.
The book concludes with Part IV, a practical set of chapter that discuss how to manage and work with data aware web applications built with ASP.NET. Asli and Evangelos discuss the use of ASP.NET Web Services to connect and share data via XML interfaces using SOAP, and also discuss aspects of ASP.NET Page and application design, covering topics such as the caching functionality built into ASP.NET.
Enter a New World of Database Programming
Visual Basic .NET and ADO.NET facilitate the development of a new generation of database applications, including disconnected applications that run on the Web. Mastering Visual Basic .NET Database Programming is the resource you need to thrive in this new world. Assuming no prior experience with database programming, this book teaches you every aspect of the craft, from GUI design to server development to middle-tier implementation. If you're familiar with earlier versions of ADO, you'll master the many new features of ADO.NET all the more quickly. You'll also learn the importance of XML within the new .NET paradigm. Coverage includes:
- Getting familiar with the ADO.NET object model
- Using the data access wizards
- Taking advantage of new SQL Server 2000 features
- Carrying out XSL Transformations and XPath queries
- Generating XML using the T-SQL FOR XML statement
- Binding controls to ADO.NET result sets
- Arriving at a sound database design
- Tuning your SQL Server 2000 database
- Using the XML Designer in Visual Studio .NET
- Leveraging the data access tools available in the Visual Studio .NET IDE
- Working with .NET data providers
- Choosing between streaming data and caching data
- Working with the Data Form Wizard in Visual Studio .NET
- Using advanced ADO.NET techniques
- Building a threaded application
- Using .NET's advanced exception handling capabilities
- Using the .NET Deployment Pr