Title: Learn Pascal Author(s): Sam A. Abolrous Pages: 344 Publisher: Wordware Publishing Publication date: 2000 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 155622706X ISBN-13: Description: Pascal is the standard structured programming language for the personal computer. The novice programmer needs a strong grounding in the fundamentals of structured programming, whether preparing to program under Microsoft Windows, DOS, or the Apple Macintosh. Pascal is also a precursor to programming languages such as C++, Java, and Delphi. Learn Pascal teaches the novice programmer the basics of Pascal through hands-on examples and easy-to-follow drills in each chapter, and guides readers from the basic fundamentals to advanced techniques needed to effectively program real-world applications. The book also includes advanced material on problem-solving algorithms, which provide the experienced Pascal user with specialized tools to solve specific programming problems.
About the Author
Sam Abolrous is a software engineer with an extensive background in software design and programming. He earned his electrical engineering degree from the University of Alexandria, Egypt, and is currently a programmer/writer with Microsoft Corp. Abolrous has published articles for leading programming journals and has written over 50 books on computer science ranging from C++ to COBOL programming, including Wordware's Learn C in Three Days and Learn Pascal in Three Days, Second Edition.